Some plans and artworks…

Here are some pieces of paper I’ve made at the very beginning of the project. At this time, I knew nothing about Kodi or Raspberry pi, but I was focused and the only thing I knew, was that the whole thing will be working well. The plan for the starting point was we cannot be dependant of an internet connection. Bring back the sensation of my VCR ! Play, Pause, Stop, Rewind, REC, and that’s it. I’m joking but not so much. Today, we are so over connected with a lot of our technologies, that it become ridiculous the where, for some reason, internet is gone.

No stream, no internet required, that was the first thing. We wanted to play our medias locally, not on a distant nas or server. Because we wanted to bring our box with us, and show some games to anybody, anywhere, not just at home. That’s how this project started.